Quem Somos

Quem Somos?

Grupo Voluntário Acai

A Associação de Apoio a Crianças, Adolescentes, e Idosos (ACAI) é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que presta serviços de assistência social à população carente de Juiz de Fora.

Fundada no bairro Retiro em 17/01/2015 por um grupo de amigos voluntários que entenderam a necessidade de fazer algo efetivo pela região, uma das mais carentes do município.

A ACAI  se compromete a assistir mensalmente cerca de 30 famílias com cestas básicas, leite, fraldas infantis e geriátricas. Além de promover a educação, cultura, lazer, capacitação e inserção qualificada no mercado de trabalho e reinserção social da população atendida.

Também são ofertados a população a capacitação profissional através de cursos de cabeleireiro e barbearia, cuidador de idosos, crochê/tricô, panificação, artesanato, além de aulas de reforço escolar, palestras e oficinas com orientação direcionada à cultura e cidadania.

(32) 3231-3998
My story

How I Become a Professional


After my marriage cease to exist and I've become a single mother to my beautiful daughter, I've decided to dig deep into the psychology of relationships between partners. 7 years of studying and my personal emotional experience made me who I am- therapist you can trust your family.


After my marriage cease to exist and I've become a single mother to my beautiful daughter, I've decided to dig deep into the psychology of relationships between partners. 7 years of studying and my personal emotional experience made me who I am- therapist you can trust your family.


After my marriage cease to exist and I've become a single mother to my beautiful daughter, I've decided to dig deep into the psychology of relationships between partners. 7 years of studying and my personal emotional experience made me who I am- therapist you can trust your family.


After my marriage cease to exist and I've become a single mother to my beautiful daughter, I've decided to dig deep into the psychology of relationships between partners. 7 years of studying and my personal emotional experience made me who I am- therapist you can trust your family.


After my marriage cease to exist and I've become a single mother to my beautiful daughter, I've decided to dig deep into the psychology of relationships between partners. 7 years of studying and my personal emotional experience made me who I am- therapist you can trust your family.


After my marriage cease to exist and I've become a single mother to my beautiful daughter, I've decided to dig deep into the psychology of relationships between partners. 7 years of studying and my personal emotional experience made me who I am- therapist you can trust your family.


What to Expect

In therapy we will discuss your problems and how they are currently affecting you. In doing so, offer you techniques to help you to learn a new set of behaviours, and help you to practice this new skill until it has become embedded. You’ll also be given helpful “homework” in the form of practicing your new skills. In the process, you should experience an improvement in your symptoms. The goal of CBT is a relatively rapid improvement and the cessation of therapy within 16 weeks, but each case is unique and the duration may vary from person to person.

Strategies for an emotional problems

If you Experiencing One of the Following Symptoms:

  • Feeling Depressed, Feeling Stressed
  • Battling With Anxiety, Panic Attacks or a Phobia
  • Having Relationship Problems but are Unsure How to Move Forward
  • Experiencing an Eating Disorder
  • Weighed Down by Obsessive Rituals, Compulsive Checking or Hoarding
Make an Appointment